Are any of you familiar with designs by Nancy Halvorsen , well I love her work and when my friend showed me an Art to Heart book with lots of neat sewing items in it I knew I just had to own that one, so the first time I seen it I bought it .This basket was my first project from that book , it is huge ,much bigger than I had anticipated but then I guess I didn't take the time to read the dimensions . I also learned that a heavier interfacing would have been better but overall I really like the pattern , it would be perfect for beside your sewing machine with the project you are presently working on inside ready to sew along with all the tools you will need for that project .There are pockets for scissors,

thread ,rotary cutter as well as miscellanous items . Then of course there is the pincushion and small scissor holder that can either hang on the outside or the inside . The name of the book is "Sew Necessary "by Art to Heart and as I said the designer is Nancy Halvorsen . I also made a needlecase which I will show you all later .
Have yourself a Sew Happy Day:-)