Can you seriously believe that May is over, holy smokes , how did that happen . I actually had a busy month and had a few finishes plus I finished another landscape just a couple of days ago . I seem to be into landscapes this month , this is my fourth .
This is a hand applique piece , so relaxing to sit and stitch in the evening , I hadn't done any like this in a very long time . My supplies of Hand-Dyed fabrics are way down now , so need to replenish soon . I did try my hand at some fabric dying this week . I gathered some lichen from trees and boiled those down then added my fabric to the strained water . I had first prepared my fabric a few days before that with alum . Now here is the interesting part, just for fun when I put my fabric in the pot I threw in two small pieces that had not been treated in the alum , well the results were very surprising, take a look .

This isn't the best picture as it was at night so the fabric on the right is a little darker than it appears here BUT the fabric on the left is the untreated fabric. I had washed both at this point and the colour stayed the same . I was happy with my first try 😊 My second attempt was not so successful , I had also gathered a little green moss which didn't produce any colour at all 😥
So back to Opam, I had a total of 8 finishes this month, four landscapes , my Eh Canada runner plus the Westering Women BOM Quilt. Oops forgot my curved pieced dragonfly art piece and a postcard I gave my Mom for Mothers Day . I made this in a hurry , she was so disappointed I didn't make one for her birthday I felt I better get busy and make one for her for Mothers Day , I think she was also happy for the hand delivery .
Oh I have to show you our little feathered visitors , I am thrilled we have a pheasant couple who frequent our feeders although his early arrival in the morning is not great, I hear him make that curdling sound around 5am each day .
The males were fighting over possession of this lovely female. The male on the right was injured and is now walking with a limp , sure hope he heals quickly . He is keeping his distance now . Aren't they gorgeous .
I best get going , lots to do today and our granddaughter is coming into town with her school so we are meeting up with her for a brief visit too .
Thanks for stopping by and have yourself a fabulous day .
hugs Sheila