Wednesday, May 15, 2019

More distractions

Tonight I shared a collection of fabric postcards I have received over a number of years through exchanges . The ladies staying at the Lodge along with one gentleman came to view them and were all quite impressed with these little pieces of art . None of them had even heard of these fabric postcards and were shocked that they had come through the mail in this manner . I also took a few minutes to explain how they are constructed and you just never know maybe someone else will catch this bug lol .
  When you are staying here going through treatments simple little activities like this help pass the time as well as distract from the reason they are here . It felt good to give them a reason to smile .
 Thanks for stopping by .
 Hugs Sheila

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Little distractions

Have you ever heard of prayer flags ? Well apparently they are seen everywhere in Tibet or other countries where Buddhism is common . I took a little workshop recently a Healing Arts Program and we made these prayer flags .
These are the traditional colours,  yellow represents earth ; green / water ; red/ fire ; white /air and blue for spirit or space . They are a simple construction of rectangles of fabric each with a prayer or quote and of course you could decorate them as much or as little as you wish . Due to time restraints we simply wrote a quote on each and did a running stitch on a piece of ribbon to hold them all together . Making them and allowing the messages to sink into my somewhat overwhelmed brain gave me a sense of peace. They will hang outside our home until nature decides to take them away along with the messages they each contain . I have made more elaborate prayer flags for an exchange years ago but these simple flags will also bring messages of hope , love and faith into the universe.
 This journey we are on is challenging to say the least and things are very uncomfortable for Bill now and of course that also affects me . Please pray for us both . Thank you .
 Blessings Sheila