Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Westering women and landscapes

Good foggy morning to you , it has been damp and chilly here the past couple of days,  typical spring weather .
 This Saturday is the Thistle Quilt Guild quilt show so I have been super busy getting things prepared.  My BOM , a combination of Westering Women by Barbara Brackman and some blocks from Quilters Cache is finished , yes I could add more quilting but for now it is completely bound with label in place . This has been a project since last fall and my first time doing a QAYG handquilted project . I enjoyed every stitch on those blocks each month , the stitching of the rows together , not so much , but it's all a learning experience and I would do it again as I feel quite good about the fact I finished a queen size quilt in record time for me and I think i could work smarter the next time .

On Sunday I attended a party for two sisters , one was having a significant birthday,  the other just moved in her new home so I made each of them a landscape to remember the occasion .

I took the risk of ruining this piece when I chose to FM stitch the tree , I had never done leaves before . 
On this one I did some embroidery in the foreground . I enjoyed creating these and hope the girls will enjoy them . My supply of Hand-Dyed fabrics is really dwindling,  time to learn how to do this myself !  Any tips from anyone who has done this ? 

I am quite excited as on Saturday along with the quilt show is have tickets to Riverdance an amazing show of Irish dancing . When I visited Ireland a couple of years ago we attended a similar show and it was great but I think this will be even more incredible.    I will let you know how it goes 😉

Time to run so thanks for taking the time to stop in and have yourself a fantastic quilty day . I am linking up to the Needle and Thread Network today for the first time in a long time , go here to see what others have been up to this week . 
 Hugs Sheila 


  1. So beautiful, the colours of landscapes are simply amazing 😊😊

  2. Your landscape pieces are wonderful! I can't help you with fabric dyeing though, I have never tried it. Your BOM will be a hit at the quilt show too!

  3. You've inspired me to try a QAYG. (Maybe) And your landscapes are fabulous!

  4. What a beautiful quilt Sheila and I love the landscapes.... when fabulous gifts! I hope you enjoy the Riverdance Show.... I have seen it a couple of times and I loved it! Christine x

  5. I've had to finish off a few QAYG because people got that far and then didn't know what to do.
    Your landscapes are amazing!! Beautiful gifts.

  6. Wow you are so talented...I've toyed with QAYG and actually have fabric and pattern but haven't tackled it yet..
    Mama Bear

  7. Your landscape quilts are just beautiful. I'm sure they will love them.

  8. Your Westering Women quilt looks wonderful - congrats on the finish! I love your landscapes - such wonderful gifts!

  9. The quilt looks fabulous. Love the landscapes. Have fun at Riverdance & your quilt show. Hugs,xx

  10. Hi Sheila wow your quilt is gorgeous,love the fabrics you have used and your landscapes are amazing,well done my friend xx

  11. Sheila the quilt is fantastic! Good for you for the finish. And the landscapes look great. I have a friends who dyes fabrics all the time, but she doesn't blog. She is my go-to dye person. Have you ever checked out this fabric artist?

  12. Love your landscape pieces. I have never done self dying but lots of people do so I'm sure you will find lots of ideas. The Irish music is always so happy - I've been watching a series about Irish in the Klondyke... Love your Westering quilt... yes, it's lovely having the smaller pieces quilted but putting the blocks together is not so exciting is it...

  13. Your quilt is beautiful!! Well done on the fast finish. Love your landscapes, they look amazing and I am sure will be loved. Enjoy all your coming outings.

  14. Great finishes Shelia. Love your little framed landscape pieces.
    In stitches

  15. All gorgeous pieces. They'll love their landscapes.

  16. The landscapes are beautiful! I saw them on FB, but they look even better here.

  17. Lovely quilt Sheila, glad the QAYG went OK. Two lovely free pieces for your friends. Enjoy the show. xx

  18. Your tree came out beautifully, Sheila! As did the quilt! Thanks for keeping me company today! I truly appreciated it and it was great seeing you! XO
