Thursday, July 20, 2017

A few finishes

We are having some extremely hot weather right now , at least for us . I have gotten some sewing done though , some fun pillows , this one being inspired by this pillow I found on Pinterest here
I just guessed at the  measurements and instead of using a stencil which I didn't have anyway I used some free lettering from Pat Sloan and applique them on . For the back I used a shirt which included the buttons which worked perfectly for a closure.  I was so happy I thought that one up. This is constructed from old jeans,  some strips are the denim turned inside out to give contrast,  a fun pillow to make .

 This pillow came from my love of doing curved piecing and also my love for the shore birds .
With the exception of a couple of pieces this is Hand-Dyed fabrics . 
The sandpiper I added some embroidery , isn't he cute ☺
I couldn't stop there so back to the denim,  I came across a few squares of denim  in a few different shades of blue so this hexie pillow was born,  also found on that Pinterest site.
Again I just guessed at the size of the hexies although I think there is a template available.  I was more concerned about them fitting on my squares of denim which actually provided me with two larger hexies and one smaller hexie from each square.  I figured since I was cutting I might as well cut it all at the same time and throw the rest away . Yes I do throw some things away occasionally.  On the original pillow there is no star fish I just added that for interest .
So this is what became of the smaller hexies , of course I had to cut more to make this happen and then I had to come up with a plan for applique so I added a sail boat on the wavy sea , now that's what you see isn't it lol . I have to show you the back of this one.  I hadn't taken a picture of the beach pillow back but did remember to do it for this one. Yes this is a shirt,  the darker colour is the shirt turned inside out , I just loved how it looked so went with it.  Bet you won't look at a shirt or jeans the same again 😉

 Did I stop at that , nope , there is one more
This one actually was made before the smaller hexie pillow , I had these strips of denim left over from taking the jeans apart so I thought why not try a curved piecing pillow using denim , hmm not such a great plan , much more difficult to deal with this heavier fabric when trying to cut nice curves but I did manage to do it.  The lower sandy area is a linen type fabric,  likely a decorator fabric from long ago , worked well for sand . I added the sail boat then I felt the sand needed some help so I drew out a beach chair , not so easy either to make it look right and I added a sun hat beside it . The owner of the hat and chair are swimming just incase you are wondering haha . Or maybe they are out on the sailboat.  We needed some beach grass so I FM quilted some on each side and called it done 🤐
 So that was my adventure into summer pillows , am I done yet,  maybe not , I do have some ideas floating around so stay tuned .
 If you recall I took part in Darlene's star challenge a week from  Needle Pulling Thread Quilt Shop last year and I just recently had it quilted by Lynda Campbell in Mabou at Fiddle Stitches.  She did a great job of enhancing the quilt so once I got it back home I got busy and added a binding and here it is all finished up.

Sorry for the poor photo , I should have taken it outside . The border on this quilt was very challenging to me , trying to figure out just how to get that to fit the star blocks was just not clicking at first . I had some help from my friend Janice and together we finally got it worked out and I do love the look it has created , gives the stars a nice addition plus made a small quilt larger ☺
So that's all for now,  I think I have kept you long enough . Thanks so much for stopping by , sure do love your visits .
 Hugs Sheila 


  1. Love the pillows. They look fabulous. Your quilt is stunning. Hugs,xx

  2. I love your pillows! You would pay a fortune for those at a decorator shop. Hasn't your quilt turned out beautifully too, I love star quilts, and that border definitely finishes it off.

  3. They're all fantastic, Sheila! And what a great idea to use the front of the shirt with buttons for the back of the pillow. I can't wait to try that.

  4. hi Sheila love your cushions,you are very clever my friend xx

  5. All your summer pillows look beautiful. Makes me want to head for sea and sand. Your quilt is gorgeous x

  6. I want to go to the beach now! Your pillows are all wonderful!. Your piecing and stitching so beautiful. Your quilt also is a beautiful finish. The stars and the border look awesome!

  7. Just love the way you used denim and old shirts to make those gorgeous pillows...
    Great finish on the pretty Star Quilt

  8. Love every one of your pillows. I read something back when I started to quilt that said we own both sides of the fabric. Glad to see you are using both. The button closure is a wonderful idea.

    1. I love the different size blocks in this quilt and the border is great

  9. I am in such awe...your pillows are so beautiful, and your star quilt is dropdead gorgeous! Oh, so much talent in little you!

  10. What a great collection of cushions Sheila! I shall be hanging on to a few old shirts in future! The quilt looks beautiful! xx

  11. I love the pillows, especially the bird one!! What a nice finish, I love star quilts and it turned out quite nice.

  12. Gorgoeus cushions Sheila!
    They are all amazing, don't think I could pick a favourite.
    Perfect border for the stars, it really completes it beautifully
    Well done on your finishes

  13. I love all those cushions Sheila.... the bird is my favourite....

    the quilt looks fantastic, I always love how quilting finishes it off..


  14. I love stars, and your quilt is fabulous. The flying geese in different sizes was a great break between the inner and outer stars. This group is one of the best round robins I've ever seen - not a spoiler border in the bunch.

