Wednesday, May 12, 2010

One Flower Wednesday

Here you can see the total number of flowers in my garden so far , I added three this week I believe ,I've sort of lost track as I just put them all in a basket and didn't really take note of how many were already in there .So it is going to take a while to have enough to really do much with but there is no race so I will just keep plugging away . How many in your garden this week??
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  1. I got to watching basketball and only got 4 finished. You have a whole bouquet!

  2. I made two this week. You must be fertilizing well, as your garden sure is growing! :)

  3. WOW!~You really had great success! Such pretty flowers. One of the things I enjoy about this is that there's no pressure to make so many,and yet you find yourself WANTING to make more! Thanks for sharing with us and I'm off to catch up on your blog! XO

  4. I made only one this week but am itching to make more - your garden is coming along beautifully :D

  5. Pretty flowers everywhere!
    I only made one this week but it's so much fun.

  6. Gorgeous flowers -- your garden is growing beautifully!
