Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wednesdays FLowers
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
It only took nine years ;-)
Thanks for stopping by .
Tuesday's Treasures
I'm a little late getting this posted , I was off quilting at the church but really wanted to share this very special treasure with you all , I guess you are wondering what is so special about a piece of wood . Well it would be about 23-24 years ago my youngest son gave this chunk of wood to me , he was helping his Dad pile the wood for our wood burning cookstove we had at the time and he came across this piece that is shaped like a heart and he wrote these words on it "I love you Mom " To this day everytime I look at that I have to smile . It has moved with us many a time and I usually have it right beside the door so every day when I sweep I have to move it and I always think of Chad . I should have taken a side view , it is about six inches high , anyway I never did have the heart to burn it :-)
Chad was about nine or ten at the time . If you wish to see some other Tuesday Treasures just head on over to Clare's who is kind enough to host Tuesdays Treasures and see what others are sharing this week .
Monday, July 26, 2010
A few finishes
The other picture is of a sewing machine mat and two sewing companions , I made these for a craft and quilt sale coming up this week , I am putting a few things in for sale ,this is my second year doing this so today I must get everything ready and take it out there tomorrow as the show starts on Wednesday . They always have a really nice showing of quilts as well as many other crafts a fun event.
The sun is shining and the temperature is very comfortable today , yahoo, we needed this break. Thanks for stopping by .
Friday, July 23, 2010
Crazy Quilting Friday
Thanks for stopping by ,Sheila
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Wednesdays Flowers
I'm feeling a little guilty , these three flowers are a combination of two weeks work , pretty sad huh . I could probably come up with all kinds of excuses as to why I have only accomplished three in two weeks but really the truth of the matter is I haven't felt like sewing , the heat has me pretty much vegetating :-( I need to get a few more cut now and ready to sew , maybe once I do that the inspiration I need will come back ;-0
Have a great gardening week.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Interesting photos
If you remember my post on Tuesday of last week I mentioned that the hutch that I featured was from my husbands ancestors , well here are a couple of pictures of them , I love the first one , ,I believe he is mending a net and the second picture this fellow had obviously recieved some mail that he is quite interested in . The third picture is the old homestead as it was in the late 1800's early 1900's , I can't give you a date but I can tell you I discovered these old negatives in an envelope in an old trunk and we had quite a few of them developed , quite amazing really that they sat there for so many years .Sorry for the glare but it was very difficult to get a good picture of a picture ;-0 Tomorrow I will share yet another very special picture to me as well as something extra special that was given to me .Until then take care .
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Some days you just get lucky
Yesterday my hubby and I went for a drive along the coast as it was an extremely hot day and we wanted some ocean breeze to cool off .We saw a yard sale sign and well , I simply have a hard time passing by so we turned and went back and the first thing I saw was a sewing machine , now it wasn't just any old machine it was a Bernina , on closer inspection I could see it is a vintage machine with lots of grime on the top but otherwise in great condition , I checked to see if the foot pedal was there and was pleasantly surprised to see it was indeed attached . There are no other attachments or a manual but it really didn't matter that much as I wasn't going to have to borrow a loan to buy it either , now are you ready , for this , the lady said it used to work but it isn't working properly now so ...... you can have it for $5 ,I know you may find that hard to believe but that is the truth of it and for that money I figured even if it never worked it would make a great ornament in my sewing room along with all my other vintage machines . When we got home I plugged it in and put a new spool of thread on the machine and turned the switch over from mending to regular sewing and wow that machine sewed through a few layers of fabric she had under the presser foot. I had my hubby take the top cover off and we inspected that and oiled it as well as the hook and I retreaded it and it just purrs , I really don't think this machine has seen much use , they must have had some problems and tried to pry the top off and those marks are along the top but otherwise it is in perfect condition .The lady who sold it was in her 80"s and she told me she uses a treadle machine and her daughter had given her this machine but she never could figure out how to use it .So yesterday was indeed a lucky day for me and do you know we came across this sale just as they were about to put things away , it was well into the afternoon and the sale was for their church so I feel a little guilty paying so little now but no one else had even looked at she told me ;-0
Friday, July 16, 2010
Crazy Quilting Friday
It's Friday again , I don't know where the weeks go , it seems like yesterday I was psoting my crazy block . This week I tried using some metallic threads , don't normally have much luck with them but they worked just fine .I think this block will go on a tote for my sewing days .
It is another hot and not quite so humid day , so time to hang out that laundry .Hope you are all having a great day .
It is another hot and not quite so humid day , so time to hang out that laundry .Hope you are all having a great day .
Thursday, July 15, 2010
A Wonderful surprise !
I didn't post my Wednesdays Flowers yesterday as we were off babysitting our adorable granddaughters , what a great day we had , lots of laughs and lots of hugs ,just a pure delight . The drive was rather nasty coming home last evening , driving rain and fog but it was all worth our efforts and until next visit those sweet memories will keep us :-)
Friday, July 9, 2010
Crazy Quilting Friday
It's Friday again , the weeks just fly by lately .It has been so hot here that very little sewing is being done but I did manage to get one crazy block done this week , all purples this time or shades of that color ,I love that dragon fly fabric , I have very little of that left so it is nice to use it as the center piece of this block .Hope you are staying cool where ever you are or warm if it is cold ;-) It is going to be another scorcher here today so I'll be getting what has to be done early and then relaxing .
Thanks for stopping by .
Thanks for stopping by .
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
One Flower Wednesday
I am a little disappointed I only had time to make two flowers again this week ,it has just been one of those weeks ,busy and too humid to sew in the evenings ,I don't like humidity at all ! I have a grand total of 32 so I guess that is not too bad , maybe next week will be more productive , I hope so . One problem I had was I have been printing off the hexies on freezer paper and for some reason my printer would not cooperate and kept eating the paper ,I finally have two new pages printed so this should help in production .Happy Gardening everyone . If you need a little heat come on over it is going to be 30C here today and with the humidity I don't even want to think about what that will mean ;-)
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Tuesdays Treasures
For my first week of Tuesdays Treasures I have chosen this heart pendant , I recieved this on my wedding day from my dear husband and it truly is my most cherished treasure ,it symbolizes our love for each other .It is very dainty with a small diamond in the center and the chain is extra fine as well , I simply love it and wear it with both pride and love . Thanks for joining me on this Treasure Tuesday and maybe you might want to also join in on the fun ,if so go on over to here and I know Clare will be happy to have you .
Friday, July 2, 2010
Crazy Quilting Friday
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