Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tuesday's Treasures

I'm a little late getting this posted , I was off quilting at the church but really wanted to share this very special treasure with you all , I guess you are wondering what is so special about a piece of wood . Well it would be about 23-24 years ago my youngest son gave this chunk of wood to me , he was helping his Dad pile the wood for our wood burning cookstove we had at the time and he came across this piece that is shaped like a heart and he wrote these words on it "I love you Mom " To this day everytime I look at that I have to smile . It has moved with us many a time and I usually have it right beside the door so every day when I sweep I have to move it and I always think of Chad . I should have taken a side view , it is about six inches high , anyway I never did have the heart to burn it :-) Chad was about nine or ten at the time . If you wish to see some other Tuesday Treasures just head on over to Clare's who is kind enough to host Tuesdays Treasures and see what others are sharing this week .
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  1. That is a very special treasure Sheila :)

  2. That is so sweet Sheila. I would keep it to. A special treasure for always. Hugs, Jeanette

  3. That is such a special treasure - great sentiment and homemade too........ Hugz

  4. This is very special and it would make me smile every time I looked at it too. Thanks for sharing

  5. Oh that is just the sweetest thing!! I wouldn't have burnt it either! So cute!

  6. Wow that's the best treasure! Little boys can be so sweet.

  7. Wow that is so special ! Thanks very much for playing Sheila .

  8. How very sweet, I wouldn't have been able to throw it away either.
    Loving your hexie flowers too!
