Today I thought I would share a few pictures of my house for the Christmas season . I am not quite finished decorating but this will give you some idea of what it looks like . First off I love to decorate many areas of the house including the kitchen so this first picture is off a small display on my island
Next I love the nativity set we purchased many years ago from a local artistan and each year it brings joy into my heart to bring it out on display . You will of course see our tree in this picture as well . The tree skirt was a gift from my SIL a number of years ago .

This picture is to the left of the tree and shows a favorite ornament of ours , the handcarved wooden ornament that has a place for candles that when lite makes the fan turn , it is very beautiful and maybe later I will take a closer shot of this so you can see the incredible work . This was a gift to us in 1983 from the parents of our exchange student from Germany ,Nona , it has been on display every year since that time .I must remember to buy some candles to make it complete.
Next we have our small fireplace which is a new addition since last year and above the fireplace is a BOM wall hanging I made from the patterns by
Gail Pan of Gail Pan designs . Thanks Terry I had that wrong .
This next picture is not that clear but hopefully you can see what is in it , this Santa collection was a gift from my Mom a few years back ,they are really quite special with Santa's as they would be known in different parts of the world .On the window are some paper ornaments that my dear friend from Denmark Susanne has sent to me over the years and I love them so much but felt they would get lost in the tree so decided they would go on my window above my sink where I can see them everytime I work there .You can see out the window that we have no snow infact the field is still quite green .
Finally this last picture is in my entry and is a little display on my husband's grandmothers sewing machine ,a real treasure for me to own .Above the machine is a wall hanging that took me years to complete and was a BOM on the internet but I am sorry I have forgotten the designer but I really love this pattern .
So I hope you enjoyed your visit and I hope each and everyone of you have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year .
Today is also a special day for me I am celebrating a birthday I won't tell you which one but it is a significant number ;-0 but then aren't they all .
Thanks so much for stopping by.
hugs Sheila