You may not be aware of the fact I love to find a bargain and yard sales are one of the best places to do just that .So..... on Sat . morning I knew that an elderly couple up our road were moving into an apartment from their small farm and they advertised a yard sale in the local news so off I went early in the am . and here is what I found . This beautiful portrait of a girl at the wash basin , the towel is frayed and it just caught my eye immediately and I asked them to hold onto it for me as I browsed even further . The caption on the bottom says "Fresh as a Daisy " It was very difficult to take a photo of this because of the glare from the glass .She came home with me for the low price of , are you ready $5 , that's right and in this incredible frame as well .She now hangs above our antique bathtub , an appropriate place I thought ;-)

My next find was a really nice little wooden box and when I opened it , it was full with embroidery threads of every color , oh wow was my response so I inquired as to the price and again it was just $5 ,Want to see what it looks like , I thought so , here it is .Now I will show you what is inside , lots of threads and also this neat old pamphlet of all the embroidery stitches , this will be very helpful . I also purchased a little side table which will be perfect for beside the chair where I usually do my stitching and it has a great little shelf below for my books and that was just $20 so for a total of $30 I think I did really well . What do you think??
I think that you did very very well ! The wooden box of threads is a fantastic find, I just can't be looking in the right places as I never seem to find gems such as these :)