Monday, December 11, 2017

Christmas is just around the corner

Can you believe this year is almost over and Christmas is just two weeks away , how did that all happen ?
November was not a great month for me ,  first off my knee was acting up so I had to have a cortisone shot , then my go to machine a 20 year old pfaff decided it had enough , I cried a little that day , I love that machine then just a few days after that we had a flood . We decided to change our internet provider and the young chap who was doing the installation hit a waterline in the wall and there was water everywhere . I don't know who panicked more , me or him . After a phone call to my hubby we found the shut off valve which was a huge relief . It totally ruined the flooring in one room , the other areas have ceramic  so no damage . However we did have a restoration company come and had dehumidifiers and huge fans going all that weekend . So needless to say I am glad November is over.
 Now did I do any sewing last month , yes of course , that keeps me sane or close 😉 . My first accomplishment was completing the Splendid Sampler quilt top , it will take a while before it is quilted as I plan on having it hand quilted.  This photo shows it before I added the last two borders but I don't have a more recent photo to share .
I added a narrow red border then a wide blue border which really compliments the rest of the quilt . I am so glad I stuck it out and finished this top , there were times when I thought I needed my head examined lol . 
 I have been busy making Christmas gifts but haven't photographed too many of those but here are a couple of pillows I made for my granddaughters using some blocks I had made a few years back as part of a Bom with Raspberry Rabbits .

I think the girls will like them , they are such cute little rabbits . 
 I have started the mystery quilt by Bonnie Hunter , hmm, am I crazy or what , perhaps so , but it is something I have wanted to do each year she announces her mystery so this year I decided was the year to have a go . Now there is a ton of work in these quilts I have discovered but I am okay with that as it isn't a race and I don't plan on keeping up each week although I may have tried if it wasn't so close to Christmas. I did manage to get the first clue as well as the second clue completed but when the third clue came out on Friday I decided it was in the best interest of my health to just leave that until after all my Christmas sewing is done. 
Here is my stack of the first clue , I guess I didn't take one of the second one so will share that later on,I will just tell you it involves a lot of flying geese blocks  . I am being really good and only using what fabrics I have on hand and the best part is I am using some realllllly old fabrics that have been around since making dresses for my granddaughters.  This will be a very scrappy quilt , my favorite kind .

 I am doing a curved piecing workshop in January so I decided I should refresh myself on this technique and I stitched up a couple of landscapes.  Here is one to show you what I did .
Such fun 😊
 Well thanks for the visit,  I hope your holiday preparations are coming along well and you are enjoying the process . 
 Hugs Sheila 

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Friday night with Friends

Time to report my FNWF happenings. On Thursday evening I stitched along with my friends in the Southern Hemisphere and finished off this little stitchery which will become a postcard.
Then on Friday evening I worked on this stitchery that I started last year around this time . Not too much left to do now .
Sorry it is still wrinkled from the hoop .

 Have you ever had a situation that you just had to do something even though it wasn't your colours or even your style . Well this happened to me , I had bought some bits and pieces from a friends estate sale at our guild and in the bag was some four patch blocks and these pink polka dot pieces sewn on each side of a beige piece . What was her intention , hmm , no real idea but after much thought and contemplation I came across a photo of a block and the light bulb went on . I think this was Carols plan for these pieces or I hope it was . I have been sewing these together as leaders and enders off and on this summer and found I had created 13 blocks.  I chose the best 12 of those and made this quilt top after searching through my stash for borders and sashings . I was happy to find some fabrics I felt matched these blocks fairly well so proceeded to get it all sewn together and here is the result.  I hope Carol would be pleased.  It is the size of a lap quilt .
I actually quite like it now and I think it is good to sew fabrics you don't normally use it makes you think outside the box a little .
 At the moment I am busy sewing the Splendid sampler blocks from last year together , well actually I have that part completed plus I have sewn all the sashing strips together for between the rows so the next job is sewing those to the rows of blocks . Wow , this is a ton of work !
Thanks for stopping by today and be sure to stop by to see what others have been stitching on for FNWF , Thanks to Cheryl for hosting us .
Hugs Sheila

Monday, October 23, 2017

I'm still here

Good afternoon , it is a sunny beautiful day here on the East Coast , we sure can't complain about the weather , it has been fabulous .
 On the 13/14th of October I had the opportunity to share my love of quilting at the Fibre Arts Festival in Amherst along with my partners in crime , Linda Smith of Scrapmaster , Lesley Carruthers of the Cuddle Quilter and Karen Roy of KaHolly fame . I can't think of three other ladies I would have more fun with .

A photo of the three of us , Karen,  Lesley,  Linda and myself  standing in front of one of our displays at the Town Hall in Amherst.  We had a change in venues so our space was limited however we made the best of it and I think we had a very nice display.  We talked to lots of people from all over , including a lady from Alaska,  one from Australia and another from BC so that made it extra special . We already have plans to return next year . It really was a fun weekend .
 Before I headed off to  Amherst I got busy finishing up my RR we had done as a group over the winter months . I had been procrastinating as to quilting this wonderful quilt made by my friends . I was unsure how to even tackle such a job and there wasn't time to handquilt it so I did what any smart girl would do , I asked for help.  I emailed Fiona of BubzRugz and asked her if she could give me suggestions on how I could quilt this quilt . I sent her a photo of the quilt and being the sweet person she is she sent me a few drawings as to how she might tackle this . Well I have to admit when I first  looked at her drawings I said to myself,  oh yeah sure I can't do feathers but you know what I can , they may not be perfect and certainly not as nice as what Fiona would do but they are done and they are mine lol
 Now I will admit I didn't do all that Fiona had in her drawings as my skill level is pretty minimal and I wanted to use the walking foot where I could so my orange peel is all done with a walking foot , oh I know i could do it FM but no time to frog stitch so I went with the safe method . Want to see what I did , don't look too close , it is far from perfect.
 I will even be brave enough to share the backside .
I was quite pleased it was nice and flat,  no puckers and all quilted , yeah ! Thanks Fiona for your help , I really appreciate it .
 I also did something else I had never done before , I had gotten my snowball quilt back from Lynda Campbell and she did a great job of the quilting and my time was short so I knew I didn't have time to sit for several evenings and hand sew down a binding which is my normal method so......I did it by machine , something that normally takes me days took me less than one hour , how great is that.I don't have a full picture of it but here is a corner so you can see the quilting and the binding
Sorry not the best picture but you get the idea  and it just shows you can teach an old dog new tricks 😉
 Talking about old dogs , unfortunately we had to say goodbye to our old dog Luke , a most faithful,  loyal , wonderful dog we had the privilege to have in our lives for almost 12 years.  We miss him terribly,  just not the same without him around .
This is one of my favorite pictures of Luke,  he is a labradoodle and I would highly recommend this breed , a perfect family dog . Will I get another dog , that has yet to be determined , my heart says yes but my body says maybe not .
 I am doing some secret sewing at the moment and I can't even share a peak as the person who owns these fabrics just might be lurking . You see our guild is doing a brown bag challenge , how does that work , well we put 3/4 fqs or fabrics of our choice in a brown paper bag and then we must staple it so not even a thread is poking out and there is to be no identification what so ever on the bag or inside the bag . We could type up a note with suggestions as to how we want our enclosed fabrics used but not hand written as that might be a clue . It's a fun little challenge and it was a tad challenging coming up with a way to use the fabrics I am working with and now I have to hope the person who owns them will like what I have done . I promise to share once it is it is given  back along with the project I receive . We are also doing a postcard exchange and tomorrow I will help those who haven't made one before , that should be fun .
 Well folks that's it for me for now , sorry I am so slack at blogging but life has a way of keeping me busy .
 Thanks for taking the time to stop by .
 Hugs Sheila

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Is it Christmas yet?

I know it has been a very long time since I posted and all I can say is life has been more than tough lately but one must keep the faith that it will all be well in the end . I keep saying to myself "This too shall Pass ". So far that hasn't worked 😥

 Anyway on a brighter note I have done a little sewing and have a few small finishes to share . The first project I would like to share is this Christmas wall hanging I started as a Let's Book it project along with Sharon last year and last week ,we  finished off the quilting  at the church (Holy Name Quilters) and I couldn't be more pleased . I sewed the binding and label on shortly afterwards and here is what it looks like.
This is simply called Merry Christmas and was designed by Jenelle Kent . I will be proud to hang this on my wall for the Christmas season this year .
 Sticking with the Christmas theme, I turned this little block into a mini hanging and I love it too .
Sorry I don't have the designer to share , this was part of a four part Sal and I will check to see if I still have that info and share it . Here is the link for where I got this pattern , it is called Winter Wandering .
 Again we shall remain in the christmas mode as I made this little wool on cotton mini tree skirt . It is really quite cute but took me for ever to get all the applique done by hand .
Since taking this picture I did  topstitching around the edges which I find finishes it off much better . I found this pattern in an older copy of Primitive Quilts magazine , winter 2012.

 This next piece I'd like to share was actually drawn by my 8 yr.old granddaughter this past Christmas.  She turned over a sheet from a large desk calender and within minutes had this drawn out to share with me . I tucked it away with the intention of recreating it for her for Christmas this year and thankfully I have it all completed .
I had such fun making this and I think Elise will be super happy . She loves being an artist 💖
And lastly my friend Karen of KaHolly quilts asked me to make a Raggedy Anne doll for a gift . It couldn't have happened at a better time, I didn't feel much like sewing and this type of sewing just brings a smile to your face .
I think she is rather cute all decked out in her floral dress and apron and just look at that head of red  hair lol .
 I don't know if anyone else has had any issues with blogger lately but I tried on more than one occasion to leave comments and it simply wouldn't let me , so frustrating!
 Thanks for stopping by I hope I won't be such a stranger in the future.
 Hugs Sheila

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Thistle Quilt Guild show 2017

I just had to post Jeanne's amazing job on capturing our quilt show for 2017. Jeanne always does a fantastic job of taking pictures at our meetings and when we have our show she spends hours taking photos then making them into a slide show.  If you can please take a few minutes to watch this , you will be amazed at the show
Thanks for stopping in and hope you enjoy the show !
 Hugs Sheila

Saturday, July 22, 2017

FNSI Report

It is Saturday here now and since I live on the east coast of Canada I get to stitch with friends on Thursday and Friday night as those on the other side of the world are happily stitching on what for me is Thursday,  does that make sense . Anyway on Thursday evening I was stitching on my wool project from last year , a BOM with Darlene from  Needle Pulling Thread quilt shop.
I have all but the fence done so I think i made great progress . It was so hot that evening I really must have had a screw loose to be working with wool .
 Now last night I didn't start until later in the evening as we were experiencing a thunder storm but once that passed I decided I would add a border to this runner I sewed together on Thursday or maybe it was Wednesday . 
 Two of these blocks were in a bag I purchased from the  estate of a fellow guild member . Carol was a wonderfully creative person and it was such a difficult job to sell off her lovely fabrics and works in progress . I was able to find enough fabric in the bag to make an extra block and had to use her blocks as reference to make a pattern as I went along . I think they are suppose to be apples , anyway I love the colours and really like the green for a border.  I will machine quilt this I think . 
During the time that I wasn't able to use the machine I also cut strips to make more pillows , oh I know what am I thinking . I just wanted to use up that denim and get rid of the rest of it.  Here are the two pillows I created , having just finished the surf one a few minutes ago .

 This was the first one , can't have a beach without sand 😉
And let's face it when we go to the beach we like to watch the surf of the waves 😊
 So thanks for stopping by and thanks to Wendy for hosting us for FNSI , to see what others were up to head on over here
Hugs Sheila 

Thursday, July 20, 2017

A few finishes

We are having some extremely hot weather right now , at least for us . I have gotten some sewing done though , some fun pillows , this one being inspired by this pillow I found on Pinterest here
I just guessed at the  measurements and instead of using a stencil which I didn't have anyway I used some free lettering from Pat Sloan and applique them on . For the back I used a shirt which included the buttons which worked perfectly for a closure.  I was so happy I thought that one up. This is constructed from old jeans,  some strips are the denim turned inside out to give contrast,  a fun pillow to make .

 This pillow came from my love of doing curved piecing and also my love for the shore birds .
With the exception of a couple of pieces this is Hand-Dyed fabrics . 
The sandpiper I added some embroidery , isn't he cute ☺
I couldn't stop there so back to the denim,  I came across a few squares of denim  in a few different shades of blue so this hexie pillow was born,  also found on that Pinterest site.
Again I just guessed at the size of the hexies although I think there is a template available.  I was more concerned about them fitting on my squares of denim which actually provided me with two larger hexies and one smaller hexie from each square.  I figured since I was cutting I might as well cut it all at the same time and throw the rest away . Yes I do throw some things away occasionally.  On the original pillow there is no star fish I just added that for interest .
So this is what became of the smaller hexies , of course I had to cut more to make this happen and then I had to come up with a plan for applique so I added a sail boat on the wavy sea , now that's what you see isn't it lol . I have to show you the back of this one.  I hadn't taken a picture of the beach pillow back but did remember to do it for this one. Yes this is a shirt,  the darker colour is the shirt turned inside out , I just loved how it looked so went with it.  Bet you won't look at a shirt or jeans the same again 😉

 Did I stop at that , nope , there is one more
This one actually was made before the smaller hexie pillow , I had these strips of denim left over from taking the jeans apart so I thought why not try a curved piecing pillow using denim , hmm not such a great plan , much more difficult to deal with this heavier fabric when trying to cut nice curves but I did manage to do it.  The lower sandy area is a linen type fabric,  likely a decorator fabric from long ago , worked well for sand . I added the sail boat then I felt the sand needed some help so I drew out a beach chair , not so easy either to make it look right and I added a sun hat beside it . The owner of the hat and chair are swimming just incase you are wondering haha . Or maybe they are out on the sailboat.  We needed some beach grass so I FM quilted some on each side and called it done 🤐
 So that was my adventure into summer pillows , am I done yet,  maybe not , I do have some ideas floating around so stay tuned .
 If you recall I took part in Darlene's star challenge a week from  Needle Pulling Thread Quilt Shop last year and I just recently had it quilted by Lynda Campbell in Mabou at Fiddle Stitches.  She did a great job of enhancing the quilt so once I got it back home I got busy and added a binding and here it is all finished up.

Sorry for the poor photo , I should have taken it outside . The border on this quilt was very challenging to me , trying to figure out just how to get that to fit the star blocks was just not clicking at first . I had some help from my friend Janice and together we finally got it worked out and I do love the look it has created , gives the stars a nice addition plus made a small quilt larger ☺
So that's all for now,  I think I have kept you long enough . Thanks so much for stopping by , sure do love your visits .
 Hugs Sheila 

Monday, July 10, 2017

NSQBQ RR Reveal for 2017

On Saturday the NSQBQ (Nova Scotia Quilt Bloggers Quartet ) got together to exchange our RR's at my home. Just Five years ago this little group emerged from meeting up through our blogs , Linda of Scrapmaster , Karen of Kaholly and Lesley of The Cuddle Quilter and I feel very blessed to have each of them in my life , our friendships have blossomed over these years and we have a kindred spirit relationship . The past three years we have done an exchange and last fall we decided on a RR , each of us making our own 12" block which was passed along to each of us with plenty of time to work on the next 6" round , so thankful for those long schedules ;-) Well we finally were able to arrange to meet up and since I am at the half way point we felt it best to meet at my house . I appreciated their efforts to travel the distance so I provided lunch of a variety of salads and strawberry shortcake for dessert. But you don't want to hear about all of that , you want to see these amazing quilts right ! Here we go ......
 You can't imagine the excitement we all had for the big reveal but this photo of Linda will give you a good idea :-)
She just couldn't stand the anticipation of what she would fine when she unfolded the quilt , well it was worth the wait , just look at this ..;.
Linda created the colorful middle block and Lesley was the first to add to it with a wonky star with plenty of negative space for Linda to work her magic with her quilting . Next I added the arrows after much searching for inspiration of modern quilts and trying to think how Linda would think , well I did a really good job of how she thinks as just a short time after I finished and passed this along to Karen , Linda revealed her newest pattern , an arrow runner , that just made me smile . Then Karen added the amazing pick up sticks in which she so creatively added the names of each of us as well as the year and the fact we are known as the Nova Scotia Quilt Bloggers Quartet , now wasn't that smart . I can't wait to see how Linda will quilt this , I know she will do an amazing job.
  I was next to open my quilt top but I will save that for last . Lesley was more than excited when she opened her quilt , I thought she might have a heart attack lol .
Lesley's block is a hand embroidered block which Karen then added the row of perfect little spools , my heart gave a little extra beat when that arrived at my house , I love the spools . She also added the little red and white border along with the navy then Linda added the lovely ribbon border in blue and deep red and then it arrived at my house . I will be totally honest here , I looked at this top for a very long time before I could come up with a plan to do my round , to me it was already finished . So after much thinking and planning I decided to use Lesley's own blog as an inspiration and if you follow her blog you will notice she always signs off with " Its always a good day for Quilting" . That was it , I knew that had to go on this top so I hand wrote out the letters to this along with other quilty quotes and hand embroidered them added lots of applique to fill in the space . I knew Lesley liked house quilts so I added a three dimensional little house quilt hanging from a clothesline, something else you often see on Lesley's blog . Sorry the writing doesn't show up well here , if you open the photo that may help. Note the four friendship star blocks I added to the corners to represent each of us .

 Karen did a lovely modern block for her center and I had the first round on her block. I had a little brain fog here too but I used the block that was Karen's inspiration to add my border . I hand appliqued some hexie flowers , a vine with leaves picking up the colours in Karen's block . I then passed it along to Lesley who added the wonderful colourful nine patch border , just perfect , again picking up those colours used previously . Finally the top traveled to Linda and she added a  raspberry kisses border  which really sets off the block bringing us back to the center .
Lastly my gorgeous quilt , I was blown away by the talent of each of these ladies . Linda added the large sawtooth star block around my star block leaving lots of open space for hand quilting ,  she knows me well , this is perfect , then Karen added the flying geese border in various sizes which just shows the patience she has , wow and such perfection and I love the colours , oh plus she added the square in a square blocks to set off the corners . Next it went to Lesley who added all those pretty scrappy sawtooth star blocks with the four blue blocks to represent each of us , how appropriate . I am thrilled beyond words with the result and can't wait to get started on the quilting and yes I think this one will be hand quilted by Holy Name Quilters, are you ready girls, I will bring it along tomorrow so we can decide how to quilt it to perfection .

 Our plan is to have our quilts all quilted ready for display for the Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Festival   being held October 10-14th in Amherst , Nova Scotia .The NSQBQ Quilt Show and Sale will be held at the Amherst Curling Club on Prince Arthur St. on Friday, Oct. 13 from 10 am til 5 pm and also on Saturday, Oct. 14 from 10 am til 3 pm.  We hope that you will come visit and check out all our quilts . 
  To read more on this amazing experience be sure to hop on over to visit each of the girls who have already posted with pictures for you to see . Thanks as always for taking the time to stop by for a visit and have a great day .
Hugs Sheila 

Thursday, June 29, 2017

It is officially finished

I sewed the last stitch on mom's quilt on Sunday of this week . That sure felt good , even have the label sewn on , how great is that !
You will be sick of seeing this lol .
 I also just finished another curved piecing art piece , this one is one of my favorite flowers , a poppy . Well in this case three poppies and a dragonfly. 

I just seem to want to do art work lately rather than quilting . 
Oh I also spent an entire afternoon decorating a tea towel, how silly is that . It took me more time than it was worth for sure,  but it is cute .  So for OPAM this month I had three finishes , the quilt, the framed art and a tea towel ☺
 We had company last week so most of my time was spent enjoying Alyssa as we strolled the beaches of our area.  It was so lovely to have her and I will share some pictures another time . 
 Well I thought I should make an appearance before the month was up, thanks for taking the time to stop by , I sure enjoyed your visit .
 Hugs Sheila 

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Opam for May

Can you seriously believe that May is over,  holy smokes , how did that happen . I actually had a busy month and had a few finishes plus I finished another landscape just a couple of days ago . I seem to be into landscapes this month , this is my fourth .
This is a hand applique piece , so relaxing to sit and stitch in the evening , I hadn't done any like this in a very long time . My supplies of Hand-Dyed fabrics are way down now , so need to replenish soon . I did try my hand at some fabric dying this week . I gathered some lichen from trees and boiled those down then added my fabric to the strained water . I had first prepared my fabric a few days before that with alum . Now here is the interesting part,  just for fun when I put my fabric in the pot I threw in two small pieces that had not been treated in the alum , well the results were very surprising,  take a look .

This isn't the best picture as it was at night so the fabric on the right is a little darker than it appears here BUT the fabric on the left is the untreated fabric.  I had washed both at this point and the colour stayed the same . I was happy with my first try 😊   My second attempt was not so successful , I had also gathered a little green moss which didn't produce any colour at all 😥 

 So back to Opam,  I had a total of 8 finishes this month,  four landscapes , my Eh Canada runner plus the Westering Women BOM Quilt.  Oops forgot my curved pieced dragonfly art piece and a postcard I gave my Mom for Mothers Day . I made this in a hurry , she was so disappointed I didn't make one for her birthday I felt I better get busy and make one for her for Mothers Day , I think she was also happy for the hand delivery .

 Oh I have to show you our little feathered visitors , I am thrilled we have a pheasant couple who frequent our feeders although his early arrival in the morning is not great,  I hear him make that curdling sound around 5am each day .

The males were fighting over possession of this lovely female.  The male on the right was injured and is now walking with a limp , sure hope he heals quickly . He is keeping his distance now . Aren't they gorgeous .
 I best get going , lots to do today and our granddaughter is coming into town with her school so we are meeting up with her for a brief visit too .
 Thanks for stopping by and have yourself a fabulous day .
 hugs Sheila 

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Thistle Quilt Guild show

Just a quick post this morning to tell you the Thistle Quilt Guild is having their annual quilt show this Saturday , all the info is on this poster , sure hope you can attend , we'd love to have you !
I promise you won't be disappointed , we put on a great show .
 Hugs Sheila

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Westering women and landscapes

Good foggy morning to you , it has been damp and chilly here the past couple of days,  typical spring weather .
 This Saturday is the Thistle Quilt Guild quilt show so I have been super busy getting things prepared.  My BOM , a combination of Westering Women by Barbara Brackman and some blocks from Quilters Cache is finished , yes I could add more quilting but for now it is completely bound with label in place . This has been a project since last fall and my first time doing a QAYG handquilted project . I enjoyed every stitch on those blocks each month , the stitching of the rows together , not so much , but it's all a learning experience and I would do it again as I feel quite good about the fact I finished a queen size quilt in record time for me and I think i could work smarter the next time .

On Sunday I attended a party for two sisters , one was having a significant birthday,  the other just moved in her new home so I made each of them a landscape to remember the occasion .

I took the risk of ruining this piece when I chose to FM stitch the tree , I had never done leaves before . 
On this one I did some embroidery in the foreground . I enjoyed creating these and hope the girls will enjoy them . My supply of Hand-Dyed fabrics is really dwindling,  time to learn how to do this myself !  Any tips from anyone who has done this ? 

I am quite excited as on Saturday along with the quilt show is have tickets to Riverdance an amazing show of Irish dancing . When I visited Ireland a couple of years ago we attended a similar show and it was great but I think this will be even more incredible.    I will let you know how it goes 😉

Time to run so thanks for taking the time to stop in and have yourself a fantastic quilty day . I am linking up to the Needle and Thread Network today for the first time in a long time , go here to see what others have been up to this week . 
 Hugs Sheila 

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Rain , rain go away

It's raining again today , enough already , I am forming web feet . This kind of weather is not so great for the joints infact downright painful so hope it let's up soon .
 However I have been getting a few things accomplished , still working away on my BOM Quilt,  nope it isn't finished yet , did I tell you I am slow 😉
At our retreat I had finished the stitching on the curved piecing art work as I showed you in the early post and since then I have completed it and finished the second one which I had just done the piecing on . Both of these projects were from the class I taught last fall . The first one I showed I had it all pieced to share with the class but no quilting done , the second one I am about to share was simply strips of fabric laid out to show how I choose fabrics and the order in which I lay them out before starting to do the curves . I like to know ahead of time what my plan is or sort of as it often changes midway. I wasn't quite sure what to add to this second one but wanted to keep it simple just like me , so this is what I came up with . It doesn't get much simpler, than this.

I just love these Hand-Dyed fabrics , it makes my job so much more fun and I am determined to learn how to do this myself. 
I think this will be a movie day and some more handquilting so I will let you know how things are progressing and maybe just maybe I will finish this real soon . Thanks for stopping by and have yourself a great day. 
 Hugs Sheila  

Saturday, May 6, 2017

FNWF Report and a flimsy

You won't see much progress here but for me it is significant,  I have now attached the last two pieces of backing to the quilt , I worked on it on Thursday evening as well as Friday evening plus I did some quilting on it . I ran out of the fabric I had used to back my blocks so this back is a mishmash of fabric , a girl has to do what a girl has to do to finish things ,right 😉
Since I had never done this before it was completely guess work and a lot of praying too .So far so good , it seems to be right . Here is another look at the front , a more detailed look at my hand quilting which still has a way to go .
The colours are a little off here but it will give you a general idea of what my scrappy BOM looks like. I need someone to light a fire under me to get this quilted before the end of the month , oh my not so sure it will happen but the sky won't fall if I don't so I am really not stressing over it , honest .
 Now today I got to work on my star quilt I had done as a block a week with Darlene of  Needle Pulling Thread quilt shop last year . It just wasn't big enough so I came up with this brilliant plan to do a zigzag border , well in reality it wasn't all that brilliant,  it was a challenge but the results are worth all the times I took it apart , yep , three times lucky lol . My friend Janice helped me last weekend while on the retreat to make the turn so the zigzag would continue around the corner . We thought we had it all figured out but it turns out I needed another full unit to make it fit . This old broad does have a brain that works now and then she just doesn't use it often enough when it comes to math . Taking a picture of my progress really helped keep things in line and eventually the light bulb came on , whew !
There you have it , I am super happy with how it has turned out and so relieved it actually fit together.  
I am off now to have supper,  hope you have enjoyed your day and did something creative . Thanks to Cheryll for hosting FNWF , I really enjoy stitching along with you all . Thanks for stopping by .
 Hugs Sheila